Philosophical Theology

A Non-Rationalistic Rational Theology

What Do Elf and Certain NAPARC Churches Have In Common When It Comes To Organizations Like GRACE? (A parody too close to home.)

The Westminster Shorter Catechism is to be updated this fall for the “Totally Reformed” who actually believe in the appointment and engagement of Sessions, regional Presbyteries and General Assemblies to govern the church, even in cases alleging abuse.

This minority of churches, now called TR churches for short, are going to add one more question to the Shorter, making the child’s catechism a total of 108 questions. One TR pastor from Holland Michigan noted, “Although we realize it’s going to put additional strain on children memorizing the catechism and on homeschool moms and dads, we think it’s best for our children’s future.” It’s the hope of many that for Q&A #108 the OPC’s very own Tom Tyson might provide stick-figure illustrations of both Shorty and the team at the GRACE organization, which is representative of other abuse prevention organizations that function as provisional Presbyteries when called upon by the church at large.

The 2022 amendment to the Westminster Shorter Catechism:

Q 108: What commonality do the staff writers in the movie Elf share with a growing number of NAPARC sessions in 2020 through 2022?

A 108: The staff writers in the movie Elf and a growing number of NAPARC sessions share in the eagerness to abdicate responsibility.

An uncanny analogy:

Session: Okay, picture this: We bring in Miles Finch.

Pastor: The Miles Finch?

Session: The golden ghost. We bring him in. He’s written more classics than Dr. Seuss. It ain’t gonna be easy, but I think it’s worth a shot.

Pastor: My two top writers, my crack team, my fun squad… you came in here pitching me the idea of hiring another writer?

Session: Yeah, Miles Finch.

Pastor: I like it.

Miles Finch, Consultant

Let’s now get serious with some food for thought. If an abuse prevention organization is staffed by NAPARC Elders, would the organization, therefore, be ill-qualified to investigate a Reformed church? If not, then why abdicate outside the denomination? If yes, then what qualifies one to serve in such spiritual matters?

(The impetus for this piece was the OPC’s willingness to consider GRACE. Gratefully, cooler heads prevailed.)